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What is the workspace like?
The studio is in a  basement level of a typical Ottawa brick house built in the 1910’s.  There are 3 Shimpo Whisper wheels, one for each of 3 students.  The throwing environment is quiet.
Each student will have a small table and shelves, for clay storage, finished pot storage, handle making etc. 
The kilns are a modest Allouette electric kiln, about 18"” high by 16” across, plus two small Allouette test kilns (one for lowfire tests, one for highfire tests). They are in an actively vented kiln room.  
The studio has it's own entrance, own bathroom and a tiny sitting room.  We use the outdoors for drying ware, and meals are taken in the apartment above the studio, or outdoors depending on the weather.
Students will have 24 hour access to the pottery studio.
What is the neighbourhood like?


The Glebe is a leafy, safe downtown neighbourhood in Ottawa that has long been a favourite of artists in all disciplines, intellectuals and families.  Nestled in an elbow of the Rideau Canal, there are many parks and ponds close by.  Parliament Hill is approximately a 40 minute walk from our house.  OC Transpo runs buses about 1 block from our house.  Bank St. (the ‘high street’ of the Glebe) has interesting and useful shops, restaurants, and bars, and is 2 ½ blocks from us.  Intercity bus ( Toronto, Montreal, and points North) is about 7 blocks away, train station 5 min by car, airport 15 min by car.
Who is the Instructor?


Carolynne Pynn-Trudeau has a BA in Fine Arts Studio, a two year apprenticeship with Helen Brink, and has worked as a potter since 1971.  A recipient of the Ontario Crafts Council‘s “John Mather Award” for her contribution to craft in Ontario, she has taught potters at all levels for 47 years.  Her art practice includes functional wheel-thrown ware, tile design and fabrication, architectural installations, and public art for the City of Ottawa.  She has served as a director on the Boards of Fusion, The Ottawa Guild of Potters, and The New Art Festival.  Her work can be seen in several of the ‘500’ series of Lark Books.
How much does it cost, and what is included in the price?
​The price is $450 + HST of $58 for the week = $508.00 (Monday to Friday). Classes start at 9:30 am. The instructor teaches from approximately 9:30 am to 11:30 am, and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm each day.  Students may use their studio space 24 hr/day  until clean-up at approximately 4:00 pm Friday afternoon. 
One bag of new clay (and unlimited recycled clay), tools and decorating supplies, and glazing of 7 pots is included in the fee.  There are communal tools, but bring your own tools  if you have favourites. 
Extra new bags of clay are available for purchase.
Daily laundering of work clothes and aprons is included and required.
​​Kiln firings during class session are included. Expect at least one bisque firing and one glaze firing during the session. Multiple test firings are possible.  Firing schedule will depend on projects.
Lunch Mon, Tues, Wed and included.  Potluck lunch on Friday.  Although we will try to provide options, we can’t cater to strict diets.
Bring 'studio shoes' which can be slipped on and off easily.
Parking near our house can be tricky.  We live in a triplex and the rear yard has designated spaces which are not available to students.  Often there is parking in the lot of Glebe Collegiate, which is just across from our house.  More info on that closer to the summer.
Further Questions? 
Please contact me at

© 2012 by Pynn-Trudeau Pottery. All rights reserved

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